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Cdvi - Lecteur d'empreintes biometrique exterieur avec unite de gestion




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Lecteur d'empreintes biométrique extérieur avec unité de gestion

Les Atouts de l'article:

Includes IEVO-MB10K controller and IEVO-U readerFingerprint capacity 10,000 templates Vandal resistant IP65-rated readerMulti-spectral imaging technologyVisual and audible feedback The ievo ultimateâ„¢ is a CPNI-certified scanner employing a high performance multi-spectral imaging (MSI) sensor. It reads fingerprints from both the surface and subsurface levels even if they are hard to distinguish due to external factors such as dirt, moisture, and damage.The fingerprint reader is enabled for 128-bit data transmission and provides highly accurate and quality images to be transferred to the Control Board. It performs 1:N matching of up to 50,000 (10,000 standard) fingerprint templates. ievo ultimateâ„¢ is designed for external use and remains efficient in harsh weather conditions. Kit includes; 1x IEVO-MB10K controller1x IEVO-U ultimateâ„¢ fingerprint reader